Thank you for visiting. This website serves the people of the Lower 9th Ward and beyond.

This site will provide direct channels of charity from those who want to help to those who need the help. There are plenty of both but they need to connect efficiently.

Costs of delivering services are kept to a minimum, but some items are unavoidable like gas, storage, refrigeration, utilities for our building, etc. (Thankfully, NENA owns the building with no mortgage!) All donations and expenses are fully transparent and can be reviewed here. [add link here]

Check out our works in progress. The site is still in development so excuse the urgent progress.

Welcome at to join or edit your profile

Food at for the food security fund.In November, the Food Fund provided Turkeys and complete Thanksgiving meals to over 225 low-income local families.

Fixit at for owner occupied rehabilitation.

Helena at to meet our Director of Community Outreach

Building Fund at to make contribution to defray the building and ancillary expenses of running the charity.
A service of Lower 9th Ward Neighborhood Empowerment Network Association (NENA) Copyright © 2020 9th Ward NENA, 1123 Lamanche Street, New Orleans, LA 70117 (Mail: POB 3184 New Orleans, LA 70170) 504-373-6483 All rights reserved. By using this site you agree to the website terms of use.